Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly linkup of book bloggers hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl! This week, we’re talking about our winter to-be-read lists! Surprising even myself, I made it all the way through my fall TBR list despite spending nearly three weeks on The Count of Monte Cristo. So here’s what I think I’ll be reading over the next few months!
House Rules: I’ve only read the one book by Jodi Picoult (My Sister’s Keeper), and I liked it well enough. I’ve heard good things about this one, so I’m curious to see if I like any more of her work.
Death Be Not Proud: I’ve been reading a ton of memoir lately, and this one I expect to be one of the hardest to read, as it’s a father’s remembrance of the death of his teenage son.
The Warm Hands of Ghosts: I am super excited to read this advance review copy, the latest book from one of my favorite authors, Katherine Arden! It’s about siblings during World War 1, and early reviews sound very promising so I am thrilled to have the chance to read it!
I Capture The Castle: I do love a coming-of-age story.
The Left Hand of Darkness: I’ve never read Ursula K LeGuin before!
Cromwell: I loved Antonia Fraser’s biography of Marie Antoinette, so I’m really curious about her biography of one of the leading figures of the English Civil War.
Dare Me: I’ve read a couple of Megan Abbott’s books and liked them pretty well, but this is supposed to be one of her best so I am looking forward to it!
The Year of the Flood: I read Oryx and Crake AGES ago and a lot of people say this second book in the trilogy is actually the best one so I am really excited to read it!
Joan of Arc, A History: I feel like there are a million biographies of Joan of Arc out there, but I’ve heard good things about this one and I’ve actually not read very much about her life before!
A Little Life: It’s enormous and supposed to be a tearjerker but also supposed to be really good so I’ll have my tissues ready.
I Capture the Castle is on my TBR shelves, though I think I will wait for summer to read it. Maybe! I’m a total mood reader, so if I get in the mood to try it before then, I will 😉
I loved I CAPTURE THE CASTLE when I read it a million years ago. I don’t remember what it was about now, but I now it kept me engrossed and entertained. I hope you love it and all these others.
Happy TTT (on a Wednesday)!
Congratulations on finishing your Fall TBR! 🎆🎈🍾
And your Winter TBR looks amazing.
This is such a cool and varied list! I’m intrigued by The Warm Hands of Ghosts, since I love Katherine Arden’s writing, and didn’t realize she had a book coming out. Sounds like you’ll be busy reading some great books. I hope you enjoy them all.