Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly linkup of book bloggers hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl! This week, we’re talking about the authors we read for the first time last year, and as usual my list includes several writers I am embarrassed to be so new to but better late than never?
Ursula K. LeGuin: One of the masters of science fiction! I found her work thought-provoking and enjoyed the way she created relationships between her characters so I’m really curious to keep reading her back catalog.
Octavia Butler: Another queen of sci-fi and I enjoyed her thoughtful, realistic world-building just as much as LeGuin so another one I’ll be reading extensively!
Sally Rooney: She’s like THE millennial lady author. I have to admit I wasn’t especially impressed with the one of her four books I’ve read thus far but people are rapturous enough about her stuff that I’ll be trying the others.
V.E. Schwab: She’s written a bunch of fantasy novels that I have on my to-read list and I quite liked the one I read this year so I’ll be reading more in this series and more of hers overall for sure.
Aminatta Forna: I’d seen a couple of her books on monthly Kindle sales when I was browsing those regularly and they seemed interesting enough so I bought a few but just got around to reading one this year and it was really good so I’m eager to read more!
Jean Hanff Korlitz: Her book The Plot was recommended to me by my boss, but I read a different one first that I already owned. It was not my favorite, it did that thing where it’s pretty engaging but then falls apart as soon as you finish and actively think about it, but it wasn’t so bad I won’t read more.
Ali Smith: An author I’d been meaning to try for a long time and I’m so glad I finally did, I loved her work and am excited to read more!
Juhea Kim: She’s only written two books, but I liked the second one enough to be very excited to go back to read the first and anything else she puts out!
Jasmine Guillory: I’d heard her described as a person who writes romance novels with broad appeal, and while I found her book enjoyable enough to give her another try, it was more insubstantial than I’d been hoping for.
Colleen Hoover: The darling of BookTok, I figured I might as well give her work a try. Well, now I have tried, and I know to never return to that well.
❤️❤️❤️Octavia Butler! ❤️❤️❤️
I need to read EVERYTHING now!