Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly linkup of book bloggers hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl! This week, we’re talking about our fall list of books to read! Here are the next ten books up on my reading schedule.
The Light Between Oceans: I’m honestly not sure how much I’ll like this one, I picked it up secondhand on a whim, but it’s been a while since I read a Feelings Book so maybe it’ll work for me!
The Book of Goose: The next selection for book club, and one that was already on my list so I’m looking forward to it. It’s about an intense friendship between girls, which is something I tend to enjoy.
The Killer Angels: This is on my list because it won a Pulitzer. I tend to be lukewarm on war novels, and the Civil War in particular is of no special interest to me, but I will generally give prizewinners a shot.
Wild: I’m only about a decade behind on getting to this super-popular memoir. I’m hoping being out of the hype cycle will let me look at it without huge expectations.
Wonder Girl: Nonfiction biography about Babe Didrikson Zaharias, the sports phenom from almost 100 years ago now. I remember reading about her in my childhood and then virtually never again and am really curious to learn more!
House of Caravans: I’m a sucker for books about The Partition and family sagas and this promises to be both!
Cinder: Marissa Meyer’s cyberpunk fairy tale takes were all the rage when I first started book blogging and I’m finally going to see what all the fuss was about.
Damage: I don’t know much about this book besides that it’s about a politician who causes their own downfall and it’s been repeatedly adapted, even into an opera, so it seems like something I’d like!
The Count of Monte Cristo: Tbh this will probably be the last book I read this fall because it’s ENORMOUS but I’ve been looking forward to it forever.
Know My Name: Chanel Miller’s memoir is supposed to be just as searing as her viral letter to the judge who sentences her rapist.
The Light Between Oceans was a little slow for me at times but very good. I hope you love it.
I really liked CINDER and the whole Lunar Chronicles series. It’s just fun! I hope you enjoy it and all these others.
Happy TTT!