Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly linkup of book bloggers hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl! This week, we’re talking about food! Specifically, the food we like to eat or drink while reading. For better or worse, I am not at all precious about my books. This is one of the reasons I usually buy secondhand instead of borrowing from the library! So while I read, I eat…whatever I want to.
Water: Let’s start with the most boring basic thing! But honestly I drink a ton of water, well over 100 oz per day, so I’m pretty much always drinking it, including when I’m reading.
Coffee: I am a caffeine junkie, so I have coffee twice per day. I’m not usually reading first thing in the morning when I drink it, but my afternoon coffee pairs well with reading: I get through some pages while I wait for it to cool and then consume both book and mug contents at the same time.
Kombucha: I’ve only recently started drinking this stuff, but it has done a lot to help regulate my digestive system after I had my gallbladder removed. Tea people, this is as close as I get to your favorite!
Beer: I’m not trying to get tipsy while I read (I need to be able to remember it later for blogging purposes!), but on a warm summer afternoon nursing a sour while I get my lit on is lovely.
Popsicles: This is why I’m a bad book owner, because these things definitely melt and drip and then I have purple spots on pages but hey, this is also why I just own my books.
String Cheese: One of my all-time favorite snacks!
Pretzels: Also a fave snack, though I have to be careful with these because I always want to get up to get more and that interrupts my reading flow.
White Rice: I am a weirdo, because I will eat this in sufficient quantities that I’m not even looking for anything else to make a meal. Just plain. Delicious!
Apples: I had to have one healthy thing in here, right? I do love apples.
Pasta: Definitely not an ideal thing to eat while reading because it’s high in staining potential, but as long as I know that the red spot in my books is sauce and not blood, it’s all good.