Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly linkup of book bloggers hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl! This week is one of my favorite TTT topics: seasonal to-be-read lists! I’ve got a good mix coming up…a little humor, a little romance, a little history, a little biography. I think keeping my reading switched up helps keep me out of ruts!

Naked: How can one say no to David Sedaris essays? I certainly can’t.
Adaptation: I’ve heard good things about Malinda Lo, and a fast-paced YA sci-fi dystopia will be a nice mental snack.
Exhalation: I don’t love short stories as a general rule, but this is the book club pick for October so it’s on my list.
Michael Jackson: The Magic, the Madness, the Whole Story: Obviously Michael is a very controversial figure, and this book was published well before the Leaving Neverland specials, but there is a lot I don’t know about his actual life that I would like to.
A Bollywood Affair: I don’t read much romance, but I do love Bollywood movies and have often enjoyed books by Indian authors so this seems like something I’ll like!
His Only Wife: I won a copy of this debut contemporary fiction in a giveaway and am really excited to dive into it! I feel like I’ve read several books by Nigerian authors and I can’t remember one I’ve read by an author from Ghana so I’m looking forward to branching out a bit.
The White Princess: My beloved Plantagenet/Tudor series trash!
Looking for Alaska: I’ve never read John Green before! I remember the buzz, and then the backlash, and I’m curious to see how I respond to his work.
Lazy B: Sandra Day O’Connor is one of my all-time idols, and this is her memoir about her childhood experiences on her family’s Arizona ranch, which I think I’ll appreciate more having lived in the West for nearly a decade now.
George, Nicholas, and Wilhelm: Much of my interest in the World Wars is personality rather than battle-based, so this look at World War I through the relationships between three royal cousins: George V of England, Nicholas II of Russia, and Kaiser Wilhelm of Germany is EXTREMELY on-point for me.