Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly linkup of book bloggers hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl! This week, we’re talking about adaptations! Books have of course always been popular as a source material for movies, but more and more books are getting made into shows, which really allows for longer books to shine. I did a similar list a couple years back so am going to try not to repeat anything here!

The Luminaries: This book is a doorstopper, and its story of a small mining community in New Zealand would be fascinating to play out on the big screen!
Americanah: This one actually is being made into a miniseries (by HBO!), which I think will be better than a movie…it’ll give this sprawling, gorgeous story some space to relax and really explore its themes!
A Visit From The Goon Squad: The book, marketed as a novel, is more a set of interconnected short stories so it’s already in convenient episodic format.
White Teeth: Multiple settings, multiple generations of characters, complex subject matter about the legacy of colonialism…it should definitely be a series and I would love to watch it.
Daughter of Fortune: There’s a lot of story in this book…a young woman growing up and falling in love in the the British community in Chile, a poor rural Chinese boy who grows up to become a doctor and then finds himself sailing the seas, and California Gold Rush. It could be a really fascinating series!
The Line of Beauty: I love a “fancy British people” series, and this book is about a young British gay man coming of age among the fancy set near the beginning of the AIDS epidemic. They actually already did a miniseries of this in the UK, but it was almost 15 years ago and only three episodes and I’d like to see a proper series.
The Age of Miracles: I don’t know what the appetite would be right now for a post-apocalyptic show, but I’d never seen this kind of “end of the world” scenario (a slowing of the Earth’s rotation) before and I think there would be enough to explore to make a series out of it.
There There: Again, this is written as a series of interconnected point-of-view chapters that are almost more like stories than a single narrative, so it would be straightforward to adapt into episodes and we should have more media representation of modern Native American experiences.
Daisy Jones and the Six: This one is also sort-of cheating because it was announced it was becoming a series not long after it was published, but I am super looking forward to this one!
A Tale for the Time Being: The way this book plays with metanarrative might make it difficult to adapt well, and some of the themes are heavy, but it was such an interesting book and I’d like to see it be tried, anyways.