Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly linkup of book bloggers hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl! It being the new year and all, this week we’re talking about resolutions. I’ve decided to split mine up into five each, personal and bookish both!

Have a successful fifth session: February will mark the beginning of the fifth session I’ve spent working in government affairs, and though it will be a challenging one because of the pandemic, I’m ready to do my best!
Visit my new nephew: This will have to be after session at some point, which means I likely won’t get to meet him until after he’s six months old! I’m glad we’ve been able to facetime regularly with my sister so I’ve gotten to see him but I really want to meet the little guy in person!
Take vacations when it’s safe: I made a trip to Michigan in the fall for my sister’s baby shower, but that was the only time I’ve left Reno since last March. When it’s safe to travel again, we are definitely going to spend more time out of town than we’d been doing!
Keep working out regularly: This is something I sometimes have a hard time with during sessions because of the scheduling difficulties that inevitably arise, but working out on a regular basis has been something that’s been really important to me during the pandemic, both for my mental health and my physical health, so I want to keep it up as much as I can!
Watch more movies: I’m a former Blockbuster clerk, I used to watch so many movies! As I’ve focused more and more on books, though, I am now lucky to get to more than a dozen per year. I love movies, and I really want to focus on seeing more of them this year!
Read 75 books: I know, my actual goal is always 50. But I’ve got a lot of books to get through, and I’ve been able to get to at leas 75 for the past five years now, so here’s hoping I can get there this year too.
Read fewer white men: I have passionately loved books written by white men, but I have also read quite a lot of them over the years. There are so many books in the world written by people who aren’t white men, so I’m going to try to read more of them.
Buy fewer books: I own enough books. I own MORE than enough books. I don’t need more (but I really, really want them!).
Get more involved with bookish social media: I’ve made this resolution before, but I really do want to be more engaged with the book community on social media, but my actual job requires so much social media engagement that it’s difficult to find the time. I’m going to work on this more this year!
Talk about books with other people more: I’m in one book club (which has been meeting on Zoom these days, which is honestly not ideal), but I have plenty of friends not in that book club who like to read and I want to talk about books with them more often because talking about books makes me happy!