2025 is here, so it’s time for my annual look-back at the year that was!
In Life…
In comparison to the changes of the last several years (buying a house in 2021, having a baby in 2022, going through my first legislative session as a mother and experiencing a bunch of other parenting “firsts” in 2023), this has been a quieter year. In many ways, a smaller one. And with the loss of our little doggie, a sadder one too. We’ve stayed busy, there is no other way to be as parents of a toddler. But busy with trips to the park and swim lessons and potty training and home maintenance and normal-ish work schedules and trips away here and there, not big showy busy. 2025 is almost certain to be a more chaotic year. We’re on the cusp of another legislative session, which will be challenging in new ways than the previous one. C is somehow going to turn three soon, which feels barely possible. He continues to learn and grow by leaps and bounds. He loves to sing and laugh. He still needs a nap but skips it almost always. He’s obsessed with cars. I love being his mama and watching him turn into more and more of his own sweet funny person is a source of profound joy for me.
We made our annual family trip back to Michigan, of course, and I did get to have some solo travel experiences as well. My work retreat was to Austin, a city I would love to get a chance to explore more fully. And also on deck for a return trip someday is Montreal, where I spent the better part of a week inside the Centre Bell watching the Figure Skating World Championships with my best friend, but we didn’t get as much of a chance as we might have liked to really get out and around because it was very very cold. I went to Portland for the first time with my childhood besties and we had a blast eating and drinking and exploring, so let’s put this one on that list too. I wish we could have done a second trip in a row to Worlds, which is being held in Boston, but it will be during session and so we went to Skate America in greater Dallas instead. This one is not on the “go back someday” list. Allen, Texas, is not a town with things to do in it…at least not ones I am interested in doing.
In 2024, I read only books by women as an experiment. I did have a higher average rating for my books this year than I did last year, but honestly it was a quite small change and I expect that at least part of that is related to the fact that I am usually a schedule reader, and I chose my books for the year differently than I do normally, allowing for more of what was currently piquing my interest rather than sticking to what was up next. It was not my highest rated year since I began seriously tracking (that was 2017). I honestly didn’t feel like my reading experience was all that different overall. Some books were great, some were terrible, most were okay-to-good. But it was interesting nevertheless, and while I am going to return to “normal” for 2025, I expect to do another theme year in 2026. One major book-related development in my life was the closure of my local independent bookstore, which hosted the book club I’d been a part of for nearly a decade. Many of the members of that club are making an effort to continue to meet, and Reno does still have a Barnes & Noble so we’re not without access to a bookstore, but it was a blow. I remember the enchantment I felt the first time I walked into Sundance, the many many hours I spent there both as part of the book club and just browsing the shelves. I’d even taken C on his first trip to the bookstore shortly before I found out that it was going to close, and of course I’d imagined continuing to venture in together over the years. Sometimes I wish I had a more entrepreneurial bent, because while “working in a bookstore” sounds like an actual dream come true, dealing with all the complications that come from running a small business most decidedly do not.
In Books…
Read: 64. While my ostensible goal every year is 52, my real goal this year was to exceed last year’s total by at least one. And by that measure, I was successful! I read four more books than I did last year, and still managed to read several lengthy ones so it wasn’t by virtue of reading shorter and/or less complex books. Just about one quarter of my reading was non-fiction (mostly history), which is on the low end for my usual habits since I try to read between a quarter and a third nonfiction. While basic literary/contemporary fiction was, as usual, my most read genre, I actually read quite a bit more science fiction/fantasy/speculative fiction than I typically do. It seems to be a type of story that I find particularly compelling right now, which likely has something to do with the uncertainty facing the world right now and the way having a child forces you to think about the future in a longer-term kind of way.
Best Book of the Year: The Children’s Book
One thing I have discovered as I’ve started paying more active attention to my reading trends is my fondness for character-based stories. I can deal with prose that’s middle-of-the-road, a plot where nothing happens is no big deal, but if I don’t feel like the people I’m reading about are well-constructed or compelling, it is very unlikely I am going to really connect with the book. Luckily for me, this was a book that was all about people growing and changing (or not changing, in ways that said a lot about who they were). I got so drawn in to the stories of the Wellwoods, the Cains, the Fludds, and all the people in their orbit that despite usually feeling relief as the end of any 500+ page book approaches (even ones I really enjoy!), I felt an almost palpable sense of loss when it ended. I couldn’t believe I wasn’t getting to see how the rest of the story played out. I can see where people wouldn’t care for this, Byatt can get lost in superfluous detail. Some of the storylines take turns that aren’t satisfying. It feels on the over-indulgent side. But for a reader like me, this is exactly the sort of thing I want and having also enjoyed her Possession when I read it a few years back, I am ready to dig even further into her back catalog.
Least Compelling Short Stories: A Manual for Cleaning Women
I’ve definitely mentioned it before, but I’m no fan of short stories as a format. It’s not a hard-and-fast rule, I’ve read a handful of collections I enjoyed. But for the most part I find them frustrating, because if they’re good I just want them to be longer. I did not want any of the stories in this quasi-autobiographical collection to be longer. I found a handful of them reasonably good, but I remember the praise this got when it came out and I truly cannot understand it.
Most Unnervingly Prescient Read: The Parable of the Sower
As income inequality rises and climate change continues to manifest, it is not difficult to imagine social unrest on a much broader scale than we are currently experiencing. Such is the 2024 that Octavia Butler conceived of when she wrote this in 1993. In a world where middle-class living represents a state of luxury out of reach of much of the populace, who are unable to find steady work and turn to increasingly powerful drugs to cope with their despair, one teenage girl sees the writing on the wall and begins to prepare for a time when she’ll no longer live in a house with her family but will have to turn to the road. Lauren is refreshingly free of the tropes that I’ve come to expect to define this sort of protagonist: she’s not sassy but secretly insecure, she’s not shy and waiting for a guy to define herself around. She’s smart and resourceful and competent, makes mistakes but learns from them, and begins to build a philosophy around her belief that any conception of God has to be rooted in change, the most fundamental aspect of life, and that mankind’s destiny will take them to the stars. It’s an excellent book but the kind it is hard to say you “enjoyed” because it was also very sobering.
The Sci-Fi/Fantasy I Didn’t Expect To Love But Did: Gideon the Ninth
Science fiction and fantasy tend to be genres I either love or hate. I either get completely drawn into the world or find every detail more tedious than the last. Space has been a bit of a mixed bag as a setting for me, and I considered picking something else instead of this one when it was up on the list because I didn’t know that I was in the mood for a space story. I was wrong! Gideon is an incredibly vivid character, all but leaping off the page, and I could not turn the pages fast enough to race through Tamsyn Muir’s story, which is good because I feel like if I’d taken more time to think about it the whole thing could have fallen apart. It was exciting and dynamic and a lot of fun and I am definitely reading the sequels.
Least Balanced Book: The Historian
I really wanted to love this take on the Dracula story. As a book nerd who loves folklore and research, how could I fail to enjoy a story about people tracking the legend around the famous vampire across the world? Well, if you make it 90% vamping (pun intended) and 10% anything happening, and ALL of that 10% is right at the end. I am just honestly astonished that this didn’t get fixed in editing, it is SO detrimental to the book!
A Sequel That Didn’t Disappoint: The Year of the Flood
I’ve read plenty of wonderful series, but I feel like even when they’re good, the second entry is usually my least favorite. While this could still be true for the Madaddam series (I haven’t actually read the third yet), Atwood seems to have subverted the tendency by switching direction from the first book entirely, bringing in entirely new characters and very different storylines. I read the first several years before I read this one, but apart from some general background information that’s helpful to have from the first they could be read more or less interchangeably. I’m really looking forward to reading the third sometime this coming year!
Non-Fiction Most Specifically Crafted For My Interests: The Star Machine
I have long been fascinated with celebrity as a concept, and more specifically with the role they play in the broader culture, the way the public projects certain qualities onto people they don’t even know. Image-making, conducted by the studios, was very deliberate during the Golden Age of Hollywood, sometimes for better but much more often for worse for the people who went through it. This book doesn’t get into the big, major stars (Humphrey Bogart, Marilyn Monroe, Judy Garland, etc) that everyone already knows, instead focusing on actors who were very successful in their own time but aren’t necessarily super recognizable to those who haven’t taken an interest in classic film: Tyrone Power, Errol Flynn, Jean Arthur, Lana Turner. It reviews the ways their images were created through the roles they were assigned and the ways their personal lives were manipulated and/or promoted by studios and the news outlets that depended on them, and how, despite these efforts, these talented performers did not achieve screen immortality. It is often overly detailed and sometimes threatens to verge into tedium but honestly I want this kind of thing injected into my veins.
Book I Was Most Surprised Was Picked By A Celebrity Book Club: City of Night Birds
Don’t get me wrong, I quite liked this book. But it’s very much a slow starter and is most effective if you come in with some background knowledge of Russian culture. While many of the elements of a “ballet book” are present, it’s really an introspective character piece with more ambiguous friendships than obviously catty dancers. I expect celebrity book clubs to choose books with more obvious wide appeal so was (pleasantly) taken aback to see this one chosen by Reese Witherspoon.