Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly linkup of book bloggers hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl! This week, we’re previewing our upcoming reading for the season! I know for a lot of people, higher temperatures mean beach read season, but I am a weirdo, so here is what I’ll be reading over the next couple months!

American War: This is a literary dystopian-style novel that I’ve been meaning to read for a couple years now.
The Snow Child: This seems to be loosely based on a Russian fairytale of the same name, but set in Alaska in the 1920s, and I’ve heard great things!
Pachinko: This book has been recommended to me SO many times!
Dreamland: This is nonfiction about the opioid epidemic, which is something I am always curious to learn more about as it continues to rage.
The Council of Animals: This is a new release, about a world where humanity seems to have wiped itself out and the animals are in charge, and they are faced with making a decision about what to do when they discover some leftover humans. It sounds fascinating!
Nabokov in America: I feel like people making all kind of assumptions when you say that Lolita is your favorite book, but it’s one I love very much and this nonfiction work traces his road trips across America with his wife and how the country influenced him as a person and a writer. I can’t wait to get into it.
The Sisters of Versailles: Probably the closest thing to an actual beach read on my list, this is another “historical fiction based on real events”, about four sisters who each became mistresses of French King Louis XV. I need something dishy and fun every once in a while!
On The Move: Anyone who has read here long enough has seen me repeatedly mention how much I love Oliver Sacks, and this is the second of his memoirs about his life.
The Walls Around Us: A book about teenage girls, and ballet, and prison promises some really interesting drama!
The Human Zoo: This book tells the story of a young American woman who goes to her mother’s homeland of the Philippines to do research on a book, but gets caught up in the tangled modern politics of the country. It sounds like a fascinating exploration of a country I’d like to be more familiar with!